Our Role

Our Role

Our Role

Concept / Directing

Concept / Directing

Directed, filmed and edited by



Directed, filmed and edited by

Full Production Credits

Concept and directed by Michael Haunschmidt  Filmed by Marco Freudenreich  Edited by Anjuna Hartmann  Stills-Photography by Tino Pohlmann & Stefan Simak  Music by Matteo Haal  Mastering by Dennis Keil  Locationscouting by Tim Fritz  Produced by dasblau 

Concept and directed by Michael Haunschmidt  Filmed by Marco Freudenreich  Edited by Anjuna Hartmann  Stills-Photography by Tino Pohlmann & Stefan Simak  Music by Matteo Haal  Mastering by Dennis Keil  Locationscouting by Tim Fritz  Produced by dasblau 

Produced by dasblau

dasblau is not a company  -  it's a collective of freelance filmmakers.
It was founded in 2018.
We work all around Europe and abroad.

dasblau is a collective...
and was founded in 2018.
We work all around europe and abroad with fixed work places in Graz, Salzburg & Bremen.

dasblau is not a company  -  it's a collective of freelance filmmakers.
It was founded in 2018.
We work all around Europe and abroad.
